
I am a software engineer with Johns Hopkins University Information Technology and a Python engineer with Victory Guide, a startup that I partly own. In 2013 I decided to follow my passion for technology by teaching myself Python and working towards the goal of transitioning from a 14 year B2B sales career into the world of Python development.

I had found myself at the end of my rope trying to make a mark in the business to business sales world in the new economy.  It seemed that no matter how good I was at my job or how many hours I put in, the external factors arrayed against me made success as much about luck as hard work.  Seeing all my effort reduced to this cold reality, I began to question my career, and my entire life in general.  I felt like I was failing myself and my family, and had wasted the past nearly 15 years only to put myself in a profession where I could grind away with everything I had and still find myself slowly falling further and further behind.

When I confided in my wife and explained to her how miserable I was, she helped me realize that A, the situation was not my fault, most people in sales were struggling at the time, and B, it was not too late to pursue a new career if I really wanted it.

And so I approached my brother, a highly successful Python developer, and asked him how realistic my goal was.  His answer?  It’s totally doable and there is no time like the present.

The journey was and continues to be amazing. Sometimes it can be intimidating, sometimes it can be humbling, but it is always rewarding. I’m hoping my blog will inspire others to break their cages and pursue their dreams.  It’s never too late!