Category: Learning Python/Django Development

So in addition to my brother’s incredible guidance on python and django development throughout this journey, I’ve now enlisted the aid of my other brother, a graphic designer.  He gave me access to some great tutorials on HTML/CSS and web design best practices.  Check out my cool new wireframing skills!

wireframe example

The next phase of the tutorial will teach me how to use Adobe Photoshop to create my actual website design. 

I got some one on one time with my mentor this weekend.  He sat down and looked through my code and wireframing with me, and then he gave me a lesson on writing forms.  I’ve also been learning how to use developer tools to analyze other websites.  It’s like seeing the matrix haha.  Sorry….I won’t make that joke again.Image

I’ve got url pathfinding configured and have my html and my views finding each other and working in harmony.  Life is good!  Now I need to continue refining my CSS and seeing if I “have taste” according to my mentor.  The big challenge after that will be tailoring my views to display the kind of forms I want.  I’m starting to wonder if I want to incorporate user login at this point but I think I’ll leave that for later.  Onward!


So my data structure for my project is nearly complete.  I have classes for users, comic images, comic series, and collections.  Thanks to Django they are all interconnected with the proper keys in sql.  I’m going to step away from the backend stuff for a while and focus on the CSS and HTML code for the site.  I will keep you posted.Image

Hey loyal readers!   Sorry for the long hiatus.  April was a busy month for my other job.  I spent may boning up on HTML and studying wireframing.  I successfuly wireframed the UI for Funnypages and I’ve created the file and directory structure for the HTML.  Next I need to put the CSS files in the right place and code the HTML and CSS for the site, in addition to programming any functionality from my wireframe that doesn’t exist in my code yet.  Onward!


Just completed my “quiz” for 6.00.1x.  It’s really more like a midterm.  It took me roughly 4 hours to complete and holy cow, two of those problems, both of which involved debugging or completing recursive algorithms, were real mindbenders.  I powered through them though and finished with a 98%!  Feeling really good right now.  The past year of effort I’ve put in is bearing fruit.  It’s a hell of a feeling and if you are on the fence about joining me, what are you waiting for?  You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain


Good evening friends. This is my first update in a month and with good reason. At the suggestion of a friend and mentor of mine, Jody Brookover, I signed up for the winter session of 6.00.1x, which is edx’s offering of MIT’s intro to computer science using python course.

edX, for those not familiar, offers auditable online courses from top universities on many fields including those related to math, science, and engineering. You can take these courses for free or pay a little money for certification. In some cases you can even pay a couple thousand dollars and take them for real course credit complete with a harvard transcript.

I will be adding edX to my road to success tab. My growth during the last three weeks of the 6.00.1x course has been exponential. For the first time I am feeling truly confident that I know the fundamentals and can read python code clearly without any outside aids.

I will be working on my project again next week alongside my “classroom” training so expect some new updates on funnypages and a return of Monday night coding sessions, most likely on the 24th.

My motherboard blew up not to long ago.  I got to make myself very familiar with reinstalling linux and using git to pull down a full backup of your project, so it actually worked out pretty well!  In tonight’s coding session we got pyscopg, a module that lets Django communicate with postgres databases, working again.  We also added the django-annoying module to correct some issues keeping the server from reactivating correctly.

My next step in this process is to research wireframing, which is a way of sketching out interface designs before actually coding them.  Now that my app can display comics, I have to make them look nice and nest them in an intuitive interface.  Also, tomorrow the MITx intro to python online class begins.  Lots to look forward to in the coming weeks!

We did Monday night coding on Thursday this time, but lets not get bogged down in semantics.  Exciting news to report!  My app is in a pre-alpha state at this point.  I can enter a comic series, manually attach images to that series with publication dates, and I have a few and a template that will loop through each comic series and return the latest comic image for that series on the same webpage.

My next task is to work on making that output look pretty, so it’s CSS work for me in the coming days and weeks.  Time to move forward!

Another fruitfull evening with my brother. I updated my object that stores comic images to include timestamps. This will allow me to pull only the latest comic when creating the page where you view the comics. Also we worked a bit on my HTML template for that view. Next I’m going to create a view that returns the file field string for the latest comic and create the cron job I mentioned in my last post. Things are moving!