Archive for June, 2014

I got some one on one time with my mentor this weekend.  He sat down and looked through my code and wireframing with me, and then he gave me a lesson on writing forms.  I’ve also been learning how to use developer tools to analyze other websites.  It’s like seeing the matrix haha.  Sorry….I won’t make that joke again.Image

I’ve got url pathfinding configured and have my html and my views finding each other and working in harmony.  Life is good!  Now I need to continue refining my CSS and seeing if I “have taste” according to my mentor.  The big challenge after that will be tailoring my views to display the kind of forms I want.  I’m starting to wonder if I want to incorporate user login at this point but I think I’ll leave that for later.  Onward!


So my data structure for my project is nearly complete.  I have classes for users, comic images, comic series, and collections.  Thanks to Django they are all interconnected with the proper keys in sql.  I’m going to step away from the backend stuff for a while and focus on the CSS and HTML code for the site.  I will keep you posted.Image