Archive for October, 2013

Wonderful news!  My wife is back from her two week training voyage in Califronia.  With her here to take the evening watch with the kids, I can redouble my efforts on my Django project.  Look forward to some real progress reports in the coming weeks.

I spent the weekend helping my sister-in-law door knock for her city council campaign, and I got to use an app that I’ve done contract work on! Using an application that contains some of my code (albeit a teeny tiny bit of it) has been very exciting. I need to keep at my own project so I can have an app that’s all me. I’ll keep moving forward!

My wife went away for a two week training trip for her new job today. I took most of this week and the weekend to spend time with her and the kids, so no programming update today.

In addition to my goal of getting my django project up and running by the new year, I also am challenging myself to complete the python and html/css tracks on Codecademy two more times for a total of three. I’ve found I’m learning a lot of new stuff that didn’t sink in the first time through. I also intend to run through the Javascript track three times.

Update on the recruiter, I let her know where I was in my career and she said to give her a call once I have a year of experience with python under my belt. I’ll reach out to her again in the Spring!

I had a pleasant surprise this weekend. A headhunter reached out to me about potential contract work in Ohio!

Unfortunately I’m just not ready yet. I’ll be reaching out to the headhunter today to let her know where I am in my development so she can reach out again next year. I’ll give you guys a rundown on what she has to say next time!