Archive for February, 2014

My motherboard blew up not to long ago.  I got to make myself very familiar with reinstalling linux and using git to pull down a full backup of your project, so it actually worked out pretty well!  In tonight’s coding session we got pyscopg, a module that lets Django communicate with postgres databases, working again.  We also added the django-annoying module to correct some issues keeping the server from reactivating correctly.

My next step in this process is to research wireframing, which is a way of sketching out interface designs before actually coding them.  Now that my app can display comics, I have to make them look nice and nest them in an intuitive interface.  Also, tomorrow the MITx intro to python online class begins.  Lots to look forward to in the coming weeks!

We did Monday night coding on Thursday this time, but lets not get bogged down in semantics.  Exciting news to report!  My app is in a pre-alpha state at this point.  I can enter a comic series, manually attach images to that series with publication dates, and I have a few and a template that will loop through each comic series and return the latest comic image for that series on the same webpage.

My next task is to work on making that output look pretty, so it’s CSS work for me in the coming days and weeks.  Time to move forward!