A lot of progress this week! I learned to use BeautifulSoup in place of lxml. It ended up doing a lot of the same stuff in a different way, but the big difference is that it eats html encoding issues for breakfast. Once I was able to reliably target the urls of new webcomic images, I created two new methods in my ComicSeries class. One finds the url for the updated image, and the other checks to see if I already have it and then downloads it and makes a new ComicImg object if I don’t.

I also created a comic scraper management command that runs the image download method for every comic series. Now I just need to hook it up to a cron job and run it every 30 seconds and my project is finished! I will be spending the next couple days working with my mentor to learn to use cron and put FunnyPages into production. I can see the finish line! Well, for my project anyway. The next big adventure will be putting together my resume and trying to get a job interview.